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Thursday, December 07, 2006

União Norte-Americana

Discordo veementemente do conteúdo da mensagem abaixo. Formar uma União Norte-Americana é sim, um significativo passo construtivo em direção a uma Globalização dos mercados e dos POVOS! Se isto procede, estou com Bush.

Qual o problema? Xenofobia aos latinos, aos árabes também?? Sigamos o exemplo da União Européia...


North American Union. G. W. Bush, Enemy Of The State.
November 30th, 2006

Pres. Bush is trying hard to sell out America before his tenure ends. We need to start impeachment proceedings on him now!
“President Bush’s plan to create a North American Union (NAU) by merging the United States, Canada and Mexico into one EU-like nation has been kept quiet. This stealth plan has had an almost complete media blackout in all countries involved. In fact, the White House is denying that any such plan to merge the three nations together is even taken place.
Some lawmakers have already introduced legislation that would prohibit President Bush to join in any such agreement without a Congressional vote. The newest of these lawmakers is Arizona Republican Karen Johnson who has stated that the signs of Bush’s NAU plans are already coming into existence. These plans include the creation of a superhighway corridor, an inland port in Kansas and the lack of building border fences to prohibit illegal immigration.”
If the story is untrue, does anyone believe that members of Congress would be taking action to pass a bill preventing it?
This finally explains why Bush has done absolutely nothing to stop the flood of illegal aliens.
Remember when Bush wanted to SELL OUR PORTS TO ARABS? Well, now he wants to sell our airports to outside interests. I haven’t been able to find any references on the Web yet, I caught a comment on this from Lou Dobbs on CNN and will post an update as soon as I can get one.
George Bush acts like a hostile foreign agent. He is utterly uncaring of the welfare of America and repeatedly acts without authority of Congress, in violation of our laws and against the interests of the United States. This guy has got to go.

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